Wednesday, November 20

VIDEO: Kenyan Men Chase & Capture Cheetahs That Were Killing Their Goats

Kenyan villagers chase down pair of super-fast cheetahs

VILLAGERS in Kenya have chased down and captured two cheetahs that were killing their goats.

The goat’s owner has told the BBC the cheetahs had been preying on the animals one by one, day by day.

Four men in the north-east of the African nation chased down the cats over a distance of four miles.

By the end the cheetahs, the fastest-running animals on Earth, were so tired they could not run anymore.

The villagers captured them alive before safely handing them over to the Kenya Wildlife Service.

Goats and other livestock are a crucial part of the economy for the Kenyan-Somali population living in the barren north-east of Kenya.


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