Friday, May 3

PHOTOS: Van Vicker Holidaying with family in The City Of Love; Paris.

Acting can be very, very stressful as a career. Although it actors get sparse resting times in between movie shoots, it’s less for Nollywood actors as compared to other industries like Hollywood because of the quantity of movies being produced.

In Hollywood, an actor can choose to go for just one or two blockbuster movies a year and that is it. But in Nollywood, actors mostly shoot a movie at least once or twice a month for a total of between six to twelve movies a year. That can be really hectic and a major undertaking that requires constant travelling and moving from location to location on different sets. Added to that also comes the celebrity status and how less private time they get for any proper rest.

So when they opportunity presents itself for Van Vicker to get some respite and have quality time with his family, he couldn’t resist and quickly whisked his family away for a holiday in Paris.

Check out the pics below;


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