LONDON — Margaret Thatcher, a towering, divisive and yet revered figure in British politics, who left an enduring and contentious impact on British life and society, died on Monday of a stroke, her family said. Politicians feted her influence on her country’s destiny as among the greatest since Winston Churchill and the authorities said she would be buried with military honor.
Mrs. Thatcher, 87, Britain’s first female prime minister, had been in poor health for months. She served as prime minister for 11 years, beginning in 1979. She was known variously as the Iron Lady, a stern Conservative who transformed Britain’s way of thinking about its economic and political life, broke union power and opened the way to far greater private ownership.
The daughter of a grocer, she was leader of Britain through its 1982 war in the Falklands and stamped her skepticism about European integration onto her country’s political landscape for decades.
Though long anticipated, Mrs. Thatcher’s death overwhelmed many. Within moments of the announcement by Lord Bell, Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister David Cameron offered tributes to what Mr. Cameron called “a great leader, a great prime minister, a great Briton.”
On Monday, Mr. Cameron cut short a visit to Spain and France — billed as the beginning of an effort to resolve his own troubled relationship with much of continental Europe — to return to Britain following Mrs. Thatcher’s death.
Mr. Cameron’s office said that, in line with her family’s wishes, Mrs. Thatcher would not be accorded a full state funeral. “We can announce that, with the Queen’s consent, Lady Thatcher will receive a ceremonial funeral with military honors. The service will be held at St Paul’s Cathedral. A wide and diverse range of people and groups with connections to Lady Thatcher will be invited,” a statement from 10 Downing Street said.
“The service will be followed by a private cremation. All the arrangements being put in place are in line with wishes of Lady Thatcher’s family.”
Buckingham Palace said the Queen was “sad to hear the news” and would be sending a private message of sympathy to the family.
Lawmakers said Lady Thatcher had retired from public life about two years ago. Her career in active politics came to an end in 1990 when her own Conservative Party forced her from office and replaced her with John Major.
“She was the most extraordinary person,” Lord Bell said. “She transformed people’s lives.”
He added: “She made a great difference in the way we lead our lives.”
An assessment in the conservative Daily Telegraph said: “She will go down in history not only as Britain’s first female prime minister, but as the woman who transformed Britain’s economy in addition to being a formidable rival on the international stage.”
“Lady Thatcher was the only British prime minister to leave behind a set of ideas about the role of the state which other leaders and nations strove to copy and apply,” the newspaper said.
Speaking to the BBC, Henry A. Kissinger, the former United States Secretary of State, said Mrs. Thatcher was a “great leader” and a “good friend of the United States.” She was known particularly for her close working alliance with President Ronald Reagan, with whom she shared a profound ideological rejection of cold war communism.
But even in death, the harsh ideological divisiveness of her legacy in office spilled over.
Paul Kenny, a labor union leader, said Mrs. Thatcher would be “remembered by many for the destructive and divisive policies she reigned over.” And Lindsey German, a peace campaigner who opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan long after Mrs. Thatcher’s formal political eclipse, said she “laid the basis for policies which wrecked the lives of millions in Britain. But she should also be remembered as a warmonger.”
“She led alongside Ronald Reagan the escalation of the cold war. She introduced cruise missiles to Britain and fought the Falklands war,” Ms. German said.
Outside Mrs. Thatcher’s elegant London home, well-wishes left flowers at her door. But British news reports said she had been living for much of this year at the upscale Ritz Hotel in central London as the guest of its owners.
In assessing her legacy to Britain, Richard Carr, a political scientist at Anglia Ruskin University, said that: “To supporters, she changed Britain from a nation in long term industrial decline to an energetic, dynamic economy. To opponents, she entrenched inequalities between the regions and classes, and placed the free market above all other concerns. Our politics, and many of our politicians, have been forged in her legacy.”
That view was borne out in remarks from opposition Labour figures, including the current party leader, Ed Miliband, and former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who acknowledged the long reach of her bequest on British politics.
“She will be remembered as a unique figure. She reshaped the politics of a whole generation. She was Britain’s first woman Prime Minister. She moved the center ground of British politics and was a huge figure on the world stage,” Mr. Miliband said. “The Labour Party disagreed with much of what she did and she will always remain a controversial figure. But we can disagree and also greatly respect her political achievements and her personal strength.”
“She also defined the politics of the 1980s. David Cameron, Nick Clegg and I all grew up in a politics shaped by Lady Thatcher. We took different paths but with her as the crucial figure of that era.”
Mr. Blair said: “Some of the changes she made in Britain were, in certain respects at least, retained by the 1997 Labour Government, and came to be implemented by governments around the world.”
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