A field survey was carried out and here are the results compiled to male up this article.
DON'T brag. "I hate when a guy brags about how "hot" the girls are he usually dates, or how much money he makes — TURN-OFF!" says bellajayde1. That kind of bragging is totally transparent, so bite your tongue before you start trying to convince your date of what a stud you are.
But DO talk yourself up. Give yourself credit where credit is do. Accept compliments and talk about achievements — but make sure you give your date the same amount of attention and opportunity to talk.
But DO relax. Manners are important, but if you accidentally spill your glass of wine or find yourself with spinach in your teeth, don't overreact and make an epic deal out of it. Dates are supposed to be fun (really!), and there's no fun-killer quite like having to reassure your date that no, really, it's not a big deal, and please don't be embarrassed all night.
But DO act interested if you are. You don't want to come on too strong, but you do want to let your date know that you're into him if that's the case. Don't keep him guessing — if you'd like a second date, say so.
But DO say good things if you do talk about your ex. They're your ex for a reason, so no need to give a rave review, but speaking about your ex (if, say, he comes up in a story you're telling) in a vague, neutral, or somewhat positive light tells your date that you're well-adjusted and mentally stable, both things you ideally want to project on a first date.
But DO be real. You're human, and complaining a little about the same thing can even foster a bond. Just keep it lighthearted and cut it short before it becomes an all-night bitch-session.
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