Tuesday, April 2

Magic Johnson's Son Comes Out of the Closet..."We Are Proud Of Him" - Parents

Son of legendary basketball star, Magic Johnson, Earvin Johnson III, has come out in the open to say he is…(to the left, to the left).

The 20 year-old NYU student was spotted with his boyfriend walking hand-in-hand on LA’s Sunset Strip and his parents couldn’t be happier for him.

While out enjoying the evening, Earvin, wearing a black fur coat and black leggings paired with a red handbag, chatted with TMZ photographers about his Dad’s baseball team, the LA Dodgers, and the major revamp that Dodgers Stadium is going through.

Magic and Cookie recently told TMZ, “Cookie and I love EJ and support him in every way.” Magic added, “We’re very proud of him.”



  1. He's carrying a handbag? Damn!

  2. Magic is no doubt a legend.He's been a great success as an athlete and businessman.Sadly, he's failed terribly as a parent.

  3. This is very common wt the Americans.they have a way of promoting and celebrating their silliness and try to shove it dwn d throat of the rest of the world.
    What stupid closet! Why Can't they just stay "there" and leave the rest of us to enjoy some sanity. Phewwww
    I guess this calls for a celebration. Let's lift up our glasses n toast to d buffon that has decided to carry handbags for d rest of his miserable life.

  4. Hahahahaha, truth told excellently wendy. I don't know you but your comments always have a way of conveying the hard but ugly truth...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lol......whatever Americans consider right should be accepted as right and wrong should be accepted wrong. Their english, mode of dressing and attitude is somewhat bad but cos its America we all must bow to it. The theory of Relativism doesn't apply to them. Cause a lot of their citizens are all becoming gay so d world should accept them. We've gay folks all around the world but the Americans are more vocal wt theirs and these days are more celebrated like its a life time achievement. They are never sober unlike d British who r calmer n simplier. A country that has lost control over its citizens.
