Wednesday, April 10

RELATIONSHIPS: What Women Find Attractive In a Man

Let me tell you something guys, we will NEVER fully figure out women. Women are complex, misunderstood, independent, and downright confusing at times. I have found that sometimes when you do the complete OPPOSITE of what you think you should do, THAT is when they become attracted to you. Go figure. This can be explained because attraction isn’t necessarily logical. It is mysterious, and can be quite frustrating at times trying to figure it out. I have tried MANY times to break everything down piece by piece to try and understand exactly what works and what doesn’t work. Here are a few key points on attraction that will explain to you what is going on in a woman’s mind subconsciously during the process.-First off, women want to feel protected. It is a prime instinct that they have. Just like how we want to GIVE the protection and make a women feel safe. If we are able to demonstrate this to them, we will be a possible choice as lover and eventually a husband. Yes guys, the WOMAN chooses us ultimately. We just present ourselves in the best possible manner and she either decides YES or NO. So if she feels you can protect and provide for her, you are one step ahead of the game. It’s kind of like survival of the fittest, and that is how a woman is thinking upon meeting you for the first time. Keep in mind CONFIDENCE is key here as well. If you are demonstrating confidence and strong body language, you are then telling her subconsciously that you will take care of her and be a great protector and provider.-Women hate if a guy seems TOO interested upon first meeting her. She will automatically perceive him to be weak and "moldable." I don’t know about you guys, but I am NOT play dough and I have no interest in getting "molded." So it is extremely important to not let this happen and exude STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE right from the get go.-They way you are dressed will subconsciously let her know if she will sleep with you or not. Yes guys I know this is a scary thought, but I cannot tell you how true this is. Even if a woman will tell you that they are not superficial, they ARE. The same way we are when we see a woman that is dressed super sexy with nice high heels. We are immediately thinking that we would love to sleep with them. Clothes can create this sex appeal and attraction all on it’s own. So it’s crucial to understand what clothes will make a guy stand out in the crowd. With all the competition out there, you must be on your "A" game. Especially if you are after the perfect 10′s. Luckily, I have advice on the perfect 10′s as well I can share sometime.As you can see attraction is based on subconscious thoughts that cannot be controlled by a woman. She is either attracted to you or not. Attraction is NOT a choice guys. Attraction is based on a number of "triggers" that must be presented to her in a certain way, at certain times. Good Luck gentleman. I look forward to you sharing your experiences with me.


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